US Climate Action Network

There are presently no open calls for applications.

Member Catalyzing Grants - Grant Period: November 1, 2023 - October 31, 2024

The US Climate Action Network (USCAN) is pleased to announce the availability of $675,000.00 toward grants for the Member Catalyzing Grants Program. If you have any questions please reach out to Carrie Clayton 


The purpose of the 2023 Member Catalyzing Grant Program is to build trust and alignment among our members, and to catalyze the power that people already have. This enables alignment between clusters of members to build critical mass for climate action.  Additionally, the Member Catalyzing Grants aim is to direct more funding to frontline and traditionally underfunded groups in an effort to create unity and solidarity within USCAN and the climate movement as a whole and to address the climate crisis in a just and equitable way.

Embedding trust and relationship building

We started this member led program in 2015 and have continually evolved and changed the application process as we move funding to the communities that are most affected by systemic injustice and climate change. 

With the intention of continuing to embed trust and relationship-building we do the following:

  • We will accept proposals in varying formats: handwritten, videos, powerpoint, etc.
  • We will not request line-item budgets; we will focus on the organization’s work and outcomes.
  • Our goal is to have the application process take less than 3 hours.
  • The Review Team Rubric openly shared with all USCAN members.
  • We offer office hours time slots for anyone to join a Zoom and ask questions about the process
  • Funds will be provided via an award letter that can be signed online. We will strive to have funds disbursed less than one month after the grant decision is made.